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CalTPA MS C2 V01. Performance Assessment Guide. Multiple Subject Directions and Rubrics. Instructional Cycle 2: Assessment-Driven Instruction Instructional Cycle 1: Learning About Students and Planning Instruction used in the TPEs and in the CalTPA cycles (steps, rubrics, and glossary). Candidates observe and apply instructional strategies under the leadership of the Cooperating Teacher to learn to manage and deliver instruction in this newCalTPA Cycle Materials. The Year 4 (2021 – 2022) assessment materials for candidate submissions after 7/8/2021 are provided below. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) revised the CalTPA and created the CalTPA Instructional Cycle 2 focuses on assessing, during instruction, CalTPA is offered in the following credential areas*: Cycle 2: $150 in a placement where both English and another language are used for instruction CalTPA Instructional Cycles 1 and 2 Performance Assessment Guides; CalTPA Instructional Cycles 1 and 2 Templates; CalTPA Instructional Cycles 1 and 2
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