Exeter university history department referencing guide
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exeter history department
The History department uses the Chicago Notes and Bibliography (NB) guidelines as its standard form of referencing for bibliographies. Referencing. General referencing guidance for University of Exeter students You'll need to know what referencing style your department is using. For guidance on referencing see the Lib Guides. Material from University sites, particularly from a major University (one that you've heard of!), conventions that we follow in the History Department. There are no universally accepted conventions for writing, references and bibliographies, The History handbook focuses on the day-to-day things you need to know to undertake your studies in History at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. In'Life Writing and Writing Lives: Ego Documents in Historical Perspective'. Full guidelines for the format of footnotes and bibliographies. When referencing a book that's written entirely by the same author or authors, you should give the reference in the following order: surname, initials, date (in The History department uses the Chicago Notes and Bibliography (NB) guidelines as its standard form of referencing for footnotes. Important note: we do NOT
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