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turf colouring and lawn striping). 13 Repair and rejuvenation of old turf. 14 Equipments for turfing. 15 Plant growth regulators for turf management. A huge component of the turfgrass industry is turf for athletic uses. Sports turf is grass that is used for recreation and competitive sport purposes. GolfTURF MANAGEMENT. Page 2. HOW MANY ACRES OF TURF IN US? • ~41M Acres of turf in continental US. • Lawns, parks, golf courses, athletic fields. The City of Prince George Parks and Solid Waste Services Division turf grass management program includes 37 hectares of premium sport fields and over 200 Poor management decisions (soil compaction, improper mowing, Mow the turf often enough so no more than one-third of the grass height is.
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